Interview with Ned Nikolov

The definitive book on Climate Change, "HOAX! Why burning fossil fuels doesn't cause climate change", has just been published on Amazon in 13 countries.  It's available in ebook and paperback.  HOAX! describes in detail why the mainstream climate change narrative is wrong and why the climate model based on Atmospheric Pressure and Solar Radiation can describe temperature changes to an accuracy of 98%.  Click on this link to go to Amazon:

Professor Steve Koonin states in his book “Unsettled”: “The failure of even the latest models to warm rapidly enough in the early  twentieth century suggests that it's possible, even likely, that internal variability, the natural ebbs and flows of the climate system, has contributed significantly to the warming of recent decades. That the models can't reproduce the past is a big red flag it erodes confidence in their projections of future climates. In particular, it greatly complicates sorting out the relative roles of natural variability and human influences in the warming that has occurred since 1980.”

In other words, the models cited by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) are not capable of predicting the well known warming of the 1930s and 40s or the cooling in the 1970s yet Professor Koonin and the IPCC authoritatively state: “There is no question that our emission of greenhouse gases, in particular CO2, is exerting a warming influence on the planet. Human influences on the climate have grown over the past decades and will continue to grow under all but the most radical scenarios for future emissions."

So, on the one hand, the IPCC models cannot reproduce past warming events, and on the other hand, “there is no question that greenhouse gases are warming the planet”. So which is it? If it’s not CO2 causing warming, what is?

Nikolov and Zeller have developed a mathematical model of the climate driven by changes in the albedo (the reflected energy from the sun) that has been empirically validated by the CERES satellite data.  The research shows, corroborated by satellite data from 2001-2019, that the warming of the last 160 years is due to changes in the albedo NOT greenhouse gases.

This website provides alternate viewpoints on the climate change debate.  We know the climate has been changing for thousands of years and despite all of the research into climate models and all aspects of climatology we don't know what the driving forces are.  The work of several independent scientists has shown promise by demonstrating with classical physics analysis that mainstream climate science is overlooking the fact that the earth has a gas atmosphere that behaves like most gases.  Another line of research has shown a strong link between solar magnetic activity and precipitation in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

The current narrative on climate change is that there has been a continuous increase in the earth's temperature since 1960 due to the Green House Gas (GHG) effect but is this really true?  The 1970s was a period of cooling up to the early 1980s.  The cooling episode indicated by the Surface Solar Radiation (SSR) data is corroborated by more than 115 magazine and newspaper articles published throughout the 1970s as well as a classified CIA Report from 1974 all quoting eminent climatologists of the day, who warned the public that the observed worldwide drop of temperatures threatened the global food supply and economic security.   A new data set of measured SSR covering six continents (Yuan et al. 2021) reveals that the Earth surface received annually 6.6 W m-2 less shortwave energy in 2019 than it did in the early 1960s, and that the average solar flux incident on land decreased by 8.2 W m-2 between 1962 and 1985.  This implies a significant cooling over that time yet all modern records show net warming in this era.  We can only conclude that researchers in charge of the an important temperature dataset have likely removed the 1962 – 1983 cooling episode from the records before the publication of a new dataset in 1994 in an effort to hide evidence contradicting the UN Resolution 43/53 from 1988, which proclaimed a global warming caused by greenhouse gases as a major societal concern, and urged Governments to treat it as a priority issue in climate research and environmental protection initiatives.  The details of this study are covered in the topic Solar RadiationThe research paper by Nikolov and Zeller can be found here.   The research paper by Yuan et. al. Global Trends in Downward Surface Solar Radiation from Spatial Interpolated Ground Observations during 1961–2019 can be found here. 

Nikolov, Zeller, Kleppe, Brothers and Holmes have recently published papers showing that the sun's activity and adiabatic compression of the atmosphere are the main forces influencing earth's climate not the burning of fossil fuels.  References for some of this work can be found here.   A summary of the work of Nikolov & Zeller and Kleppe et al can be found here.

The figures below show some comparisons between the Greenhouse Hypothesis and the NZ concept of climate change using classical gas law physics.   The details of NZ's work can be found here. 



Summary: Nikolov and Zeller have provided a robust mathematical model of the earth’s climate based on measurable physical phenomena: to the albedo of the earth, the atmospheric pressure, and the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI).  See the page Temperature for details. These parameters drive the temperature of the earth, not fossil fuel generated CO2 in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the albedo is caused by solar activity that is not well understood so it cannot be modeled to generate future climate change predictions. Consequently, we need more research into the sun’s physics not on flawed, CO2 driven IPCC models that can’t reproduce the droughts and warming of the early 20th century.  More on this in the section on precipitation.    The original paper describing this work can be found here.